On-Target Software Development and Consulting

Working with business owners, managers and stakeholder, we assist them in clearly defining challenges in their business that technology can help to address. We look at architectural solutions, and consider where custom software provides a better solution than off-the-shelf software.

Domains of Expertise

  • Consultation

    Working with you to define the challenges you face, understanding the place of technology in solving those challenges

    Then we craft a solution that satisfies you requirements.

    Our goal is delivering solutions that support your processes and add efficiencies. Software applications that people like to use, and systems that simplify the complexity of your managed information.

  • Software Programming

    Responsive to your needs and responsible for the bottom line, we provide world class software solutions.

    Whether your projects requires an onsite support visit, or a team of developers, or off-shore development, we can assist.

    We have managed off-shore development teams in order to leverage non-localized talent and reduce development costs.

    But off-shoring has it's challenges. Let us navigate those issues for you.

  • Support and Software Selection

    Looking for on-going support for existing software systems? We can help.

    In the process of choosing an off-the-shelf software solution? It starts with a clear understanding your requirements. We can assist in clarifying your technical specifications and navigate rfp and vendor bids.

    We can assist with: writing software selection criteria and requirements, supporting existing software, onsite support, working with developers, or hiring an off-shore team of programmers.


More than 20 years experience in delivering technology solutions.

Contact At Infogen

Located in Boulder Colorado, serving world-class solutions to companies in the Denver metro area.

Reach out, let's talk. See if there is anything we can offer to the conversation.